Elephant Protection through Strengthened Capacity and Community Engagement in Cambodia

Project Years: 2022

Project Partners:
Ying Horn, Wildlife Alliance, Cambodia

Cambodia is both a transit country for ivory and a potential source, with some reports suggesting it is now a destination. This disturbing development shows the need for a comprehensive and nationwide approach to address both supply and demand of the illegal wildlife trade. This project addresses some of those issues by building capacities and supporting grassroots efforts of teachers and youth to create and implement their own wildlife protection lessons and activities, thereby engaging rural communities to be environmental stewards and raise safety awareness concerning human-elephant conflict, and increasing awareness about Cambodia’s wildlife laws and the illegality of ivory via a targeted social media campaign in Khmer, English and Chinese. This project will directly complement the Wildlife Rapid Rescue Team (WRRT), which is Cambodia’s premier wildlife law enforcement unit, in their ongoing operations and investigations targeting illicit sales of ivory in an effort to reduce domestic availability of ivory.

IEF #1039