20th International Elephant Conservation and Research Symposium
July 30 ~ August 2, 2024
After an incredibly successful 19th International Elephant Conservation and Research Symposium in Chiang Mai last year, the International Elephant Foundation realized we cannot wait until our next in-person event which will be in 2025 to give the world’s elephant experts and enthusiasts an opportunity to share knowledge and connect. This year we will host the 20th International Elephant Conservation & Research Symposium virtual
We are now accepting abstracts. Presenters are requested to attend the live virtual sessions for questions but your presentations must be recorded in advanced to avoid technological problems. Presentations can cover a wide range of issues relevant to elephants as a species and conservation. Such issues can be conservation projects and research outcomes, new technologies in field conservation and conflict mitigation, studies in disease, reproduction behavior, management, education, wildlife film making, and other subjects that impact the long-term survival of African Savannah, African Forest, and Asian elephants.