Human-elephant Conflict Mitigation in the KAZA Transfrontier Conservation Area, Zambia

The Kavango Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area (KAZA TFCA) in southern Africa is one of the world’s largest conservation areas, encompassing 520,000 km2 across 5 countries. KAZA TFCA was established to provide wildlife connectivity throughout its protected landscape, yet ongoing habitat loss, illegal land clearing and logging is irreversibly limiting its capacity to provide wildlife movement corridors. This project focuses on human-elephant coexistence and in particular, protecting the crops of subsistence farmers from elephant damage with low cost solar-powered poliwire fencing systems. Through GPS satellite tracking collars placed on elephants, this project also provides valuable information about movement pathways, transboundary crossing points, and critical habitat to stakeholders and management authorities to inform conservation policy decisions. This information has been used to draft the government approved collaborative KAZA TFCA Policy Brief on Elephant Movement and the Zambian Elephant Conservation and Management Plan.

IEF #AF1035


Project Years: 2017 – 2024

Project Partners:
Kerryn Carter, Elephant Connection, Zambia