
Together we can build a future where elephants thrive. We say this all of the time, but it’s true. Each day we work to take small steps that add up to jumbo ones. Your support creates each of these steps, like the Elephant Food Garden you helped build in Northern Sumatra.

Thank You for Helping Sumatran Elephants

Located just north of Australia, Sumatra is one of the many islands of Indonesia and is home to the critically endangered Sumatran elephant. There are less than 1700 left in the world and they need our help.

The Conservation Response Units (CRUs) are elephants and their mahouts working as a team to patrol and protect vital habitat from poachers and other wildlife criminals to keep it safe for the critically endangered Sumatran elephant, orangutan, Sumatran rhino, Sumatran tiger, Malayan Tapir, and more.

While the patrol elephants receive regular grain and fodder (as well as graze while on patrol) this food can be expensive to purchase and difficult to acquire in times of drought. Last year we asked for your help in building an elephant food garden for the patrol elephants and you came through, supporting plants and tools to make the garden a reality. Because of you this fresh, locally grown food will build on the excellent care they receive, enabling these important patrols to continue.

Each step the CRU teams take on patrol is one more step away from extinction for these incredible animals, and by building an elephant food garden, you are making that progress possible!

Thank You!

Other Ways To Make A Difference

Whether it’s a small amount, a huge gift, a gift of stock or through your donor advised fund, a legacy gift, or a monthly donation, every dollar you’ve given is making an impact.

You are helping to secure a future for elephants everywhere!