If you give today your gift will go TWICE as Far!

A generous donor has stepped forward and offered to match donations now until the end of the year up to a total of $10,000. Your support this holiday season will go even further to secure a future for elephants and preserve them for generations to come.

A donation of $250 can support the construction of a section of beehive fence to be use in human-elephant conflict mitigation.

Did you know that elephants don’t like bees? Farmers and families have used this to their advantage to protect their homes and crops. They hang beehives between fence posts and when elephants try to breach the barrier to eat crops, the bees get agitated and scare off the elephants. There’s an extra bonus that farmers can also harvest the honey!

Beehive fences are just one way IEF supports peaceful coexistence between elephants and humans. You can spread this support to more communities with your gift during this Season of Giving.

When you give the the Gift of Conservation, total donation will be MATCHED up to $10,000 thanks to a generous donor! Your support of the International Elephant Foundation can secure a future for elephants and preserve them for generations to come.

From now until the end of the year we’ll be sharing some of the many ways your support for IEF can make an impact.