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Elephant Appreciation Day is celebrated on September 22 each year. This day is dedicated to honoring elephants, raising awareness about their plight, and promoting efforts to protect these magnificent creatures. The day was established in 1996 by Wayne Hepburn, founder of Mission Media, in response to his fascination with elephants and a desire to celebrate and protect them.

The goals of Elephant Appreciation Day include:

  1. Raising Awareness: Educating people about the importance of elephants in ecosystems, their intelligence, social behavior, and the threats they face such as poaching, habitat loss, and human-wildlife conflict.
  2. Conservation Efforts: Highlighting and supporting conservation programs and organizations working to protect elephants and their habitats.
  3. Promoting Tourism: Encouraging people to support wildlife tourism that encourages the conservation of elephants.
  4. Community Engagement: Involving communities in conservation efforts and promoting sustainable practices that benefit both humans and elephants.

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