
Thank you for an incredible day of talks, insightful questions, and support for elephants! Our Coffee, Cocktails, and Conservation chats were a huge success and connected so many people directly with elephant experts from around the world. We hope you enjoyed them as much as we did!

As this year’s Giving Tuesday comes to a close, we would like to remind you of the incredible work your support helps make possible.

Snare Mountain, Uganda, Elephants, Stop the Snares!, Murchison Falls, poaching,

Removed 12 tons of snares…and counting.

conservation Chat, IEF, Elephants, Education and Inspiration in Cambodia

Provided 831 educational outreach opportunities last year.

Snare Mountain, Uganda, Elephants

Built 14 ranger stations in Uganda, with more to come!

Established a very promising conservation dog program utilizing local village dogs in Africa.

Supported vital research into Elephant Endotheliotropic Herpesvirus (EEHV) leading to the final stages of a vaccine!

These are only the tip of the iceberg of IEF’s work and accomplishments. Without you, none of our work would be possible. You can be proud that you are making a positive difference for elephants, protecting them now and for generations to come.