IEF has some incredible things planned for this year! We are kicking 2025 off with a bang! Part of our mission is to bridge the gap between conservation work in range countries and elephant fans on the other side of the world. Our Conservation Chats are just some of the ways we do that.

Conservation Chat with
Dr. Michele Miller

For the first Conservation Chat of the year, we are featuring conservation scientist Dr. Michele Miller. Dr. Miller has a rich background as a wildlife veterinarian and has worked with several US zoos before moving to South Africa in 2013. She is based in Kruger National Park and works on wildlife research including immunology and tuberculosis. We are lucky to have her as our guest to kick off the year!

Wednesday, January 15th at 8am PST/10am Central
RSVP Here. Attendance is free!

Resolve to Help Elephants

Many of us are still figuring out the right resolution for our New Year’s resolution. How about resolving to help elephants?

Become a monthly donor and know that you are making a difference for endangered species every single month this year.

Click here to Make It Monthly. It’ll be the easiest resolution you ever kept.